Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Gun + A&M Campus = Idiot

First off, I suggest you read this story...

Student brandishes BB gun in Blocker

The brief synopsis....Some stupid kid decides to hold an "experiment" on campus by bringing a rifle sized BB Gun to his classes for a month. He gets caught in Blocker after trying to conceal it, gets arrested and then kicked off campus. He does this "to get people's reaction".

Ok, now I can give everyone my thoughts (aren't you excited?! I am). There are (apparently) two different view points once can take on this situation. Either A) The kid was stupid and deserves to be banned from campus or B) What?!?! The cops WAY over-reacted! The kid was doing a science experiment!!! The "MAN" is putting us down! Damn the MAN!

Now, I can ALMOST see the (B) version, however there are some fatal flaws with that "theory". Let me elaborate.

  1. The kid is NOT a Psychology Major. He's a freakin' Ag Econ Major. I don't think Ag Econ majors do very many "experiments". If they do, they are obviouly stupid like this

  2. He tries to get into a CLASSROOM with the gun drawn, can't get in, and then conceals it. Are you STUPID? (Wait, he is, never mind).

  3. He had the gun in the waist of his sweatpants and then told the cop it was "just a game". Again, look at the subject of this entry...Idiot. You betcha.

  4. "..he likes to see the reactions of the people to the weapon and he said that he'd apparently been watching too many cop shows." WHAT?!?!?! Are you freakin' KIDDING ME?!?! How many cop shows have you seen where people act to be (I'm going to make a very far reaching stretch here) terrorists (yes, I know its far reaching, I just told you that) on a college campus for over a month, and think that its a GOOD idea? Ugh.

  5. He (apparently) also took it on A&M Buses. Man, right there I would have (if I was driving) called in a 10-78, and tried to see where the subject went. Thats just insane.

So, my conclusion is.... Kick the kid off campus and charge him with being stupid. In this day in age a "joke" or "experiment" of this nature is in poor taste and I'm glad "The Man" is putting this one individual down. It's almost like a Postal Worker brandishing a realistic looking water gun to work and pretending its real. Yeah, that would be a very smart thing to do, and I'm sure people would think it was Hil-arious!

I'm sorry, I just had to get all of this out. After hearing both sides of the fence, I had to at least vent to something.

Damn the "man"...except in this case.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Pimpin' Your Wife

Seriously people? Do we need to pimp out our wives for cash?

Bryan Police Department arrests woman on prostitution charges

There are so many things wrong with this. I thought living in Bryan/College Station things like this wouldn't happen, but apparently I'm wrong. It really makes you feel good about yourself. At least you're not THAT stupid. If you are, well, you should stop reading my Blog. You're not welcome here! :)

Anyways, not much else is going on. Kristen is finishing up some Credit Analyst training at The Woodlands, and she's pretty sure the two people (guy and girl) left in the middle of the conference yesterday to "have relations" in the hotel room. I'm sure the bank who sent the two of them there would be happy to find that out.

All in all, just remember: Don't pimp out your wife for cash and then go to the cops because you didn't get paid.

That is all.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Dish Network

Ok, I'll admit. I am/was a huge fan of Dish Network. That is, until this weekend, mainly last night. Actually, I'll go back to last weekend, because thats the first time I started to not like them.

So last weekend the Aggies were on Fox Sports Net for the Wyoming game. Kristen and I both realized that if we went to somewhere like Fox and Hound we would end up spending like $20-30 on beer and food, so for $5 more a month to get FSN on Dish, it made sense to do that.

So I called up and talked to this very rude woman on the other end of the phone. She apparently can't understand a phone number I read very slowly 4 times (yes, I was speaking clearly, shut up) and then was very aggravated when I had to ask her numerous times to repeat herself since she had such a thick accent and would not talk slowly. Plus she couldn't annunciate any numbers at all. For a minute I thought my next bill was going to be $543, instead of the $67 or so it will be.

Naturally that didn't make me happy. Well then comes yesterday afternoon. Most of you know that I have a Dish DVR that has two tuners and feeds our bedroom. Well, we have had nothing but problems since we have received this setup. That damn DVR has gone out (now) 3 times. The first time it was 2 days after they installed it, the next time was about a month ago when the hard drive completely crashed and made a horrible screaching noise and I was charged $20 to have them ship a refurbished replacement.

Last night I am sitting there about to change channels (absolutely nothing is recording on the DVR) and wham the thing does a hard reboot. Now if you have no experience you would think this is a weird thing. However I am used to it doing this, especially over the last 2 weeks or so. However this time, it will not complete its reboot cycle and just decides "Hey, you know what, I tried, lets try rebooting again" So I have a nonbreaking loop that I can't seem to find a way to make it stop rebooting.

I am letting reboot its self to oblivion this afternoon and if its still doing it when I get home I get to call Dish Network again. Oh boy. I am not excited about this. I seriously think they released this dual DVR too quickly and should never have given their customers this option if it was not tested. I swear if I weren't so smart (stop laughing) I would think that it was running Windows ME, it is that bad.

So, thats my rant for this weekend. I can't believe what I'm about to say, but I'm about to consider actually switching back to Cable. How sad is that? I absolutely hate Cox Cable, but at least their crap doesn't go out like this all the time. :-/

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I hate Love Bugs
I wish I had an original post today, but dear lord, these demonic spawns of satan will just not die! First it was "they'll be gone in a week", a week passed, then it was "Oh, we meant they will be gone in 2-3 weeks" For the love of all that is good in this world, it has been at least a month now. WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?!?! I feel like they are like that girl terrorist in Austin Powers (the second one) where she won't die. Gets shot, blown up with a bazooka, falls out a window..... These things are everywhere.

As one of Alejandra's friends put it so well...its like the end of the world in College Station. The plague of locusts are here...but in our case they are "Love Bugs"

For some reason these stupid things just love my house. I'm not sure what their attraction is, but they are everywhere. Our front porch is covered in Love Bug carnage. Logan can certainly vouch for this as his car was swarmed in a few minutes in my drive way. Some how these disgusting things get in our house. Yeah yeah yeah, I know "Eric, you have a dog door, I wonder how they get in.....You must be stupid" Obviously they get in there, but how do they get in our closet with no windows? How do they get in our bathroom? I'm not saying like one or two are there, its a whole lineage of lovebugs.

It was really fun on Saturday when I had to cut the grass since it was so high. Luckily I didn't swallow one and I had headphones on so none of them got in my ear, but they sure like to follow you as you're cutting the grass. I felt like Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoon, but instead of a dust cloud following me, I had a swarm of horny bugs following me. Damn evil things.

Ok, I think I'm done ranting on these horrible annyoing creatures. In other Bryan/College Station news (I think we are now officially a red neck town due to this story)
Naked Bryan woman charged in assault
Blinn student charged with indecent exposure

And finally....I admit, I'm a horrible person for my blog entry about my imaginary friend's mom that I killed and took their money. Some of you need to actually read the ENTIRE thing before emailing me. It helps really. I couldn't make it too obvious that I was making it up. You can blame Alejandra for that.

Well, time to do some work.

Peace Up, A-Town Down.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Going Once...Going Twice...Sold!

This has to be the best thing since sliced bread... Selling A&M buses on E-Bay. If I only could justify wasting $1,000+ on a bus.

Thomas Buses

Blue Birds!

The Short Bus to school

Friday, September 03, 2004

So...What to do...what to do...

Last night was kind of interesting....

Well, the football game OBVIOUSLY wasn't interesting. I have concluded that we are going to suck once again. I've said this from day one of hiring Fran. We're not going to be good for quite some time. I have all the faith in the world in our team, but I'm not dillusional like most of our fans. It just won't happen. At least not this year. Now, I'll be the first to happily admit that I'm wrong if it does.

So I got a weird phone call last night. One of my good friends from High School that I have kind of lost touch with called me last night. His mother was divoriced and due to the divorice and her parents passing away became pretty much independantly wealthy. Anyways, I digress. So he calls and we are talking and I can tell that he is a little distraught. He told me that his mother passed away a couple of days ago, and of course I feel horrible for him. His mother could be a pain, but she was always nice to me, probably because I kept her son out of trouble. But she smoked a lot and was over weight so it was just a matter of time. Anyways, unfortunately I didn't hear about this earlier becuase the services already happened. However, the real reason for the phone call last night was for my friend to tell me that she had put me in her will. This came as a surprise to me. Why would she put me, an old friend of her son's in her will. I haven't seen them since my sophomore year of college. Why now? Why keep it? Apparently she drafted up the will while we were both still in High School and never revised it. Anyways, my friend informed me that she put me in there to receieve 25% of the money left in a savings account. I told my friend that I didn't really want it because it just doesn't seem right. However he told me that he insisted that I take it, after some going back and forths he finally made me take it. At this point, I'm not even sure what 25% is. He then said that 25% is $123,500. I seriously think my jaw hit the floor. I again told him that I just couldn't take it, but he said that he already had a cashier's check in my name waiting for me, and if I didn't take it, the money would just go to waste.

So, now what do I do? I told Kristen about it and she was a bit taken back as well. We could have some real good uses for that money, don't get me wrong, but I still feel weird in accepting it. I feel like it was a mistake for me to still be in her will. Maybe if she had seen this coming she would have adjusted the will and given it all to her son? I don't know. There are so many questions flying around in my head. I just need to do what I think is "right" and not think of myself.

I'm obviously in a funk today. I guess we'll see. My friend told me not to rush and to just let him know when I can stop by and meet with him. And yes, I just made all of that up. I don't have anything interesting to say, so I killed some imaginary person and took their money. I'm ruthless.

Thursday, September 02, 2004


It looks like Kristen is famous. She was in an abnoxiously large ad for First National Bank in the Battalion yesterday. I think she needs to autograph them. I'll try to get a scanned version at some point in the future.

Not much more is happening. I wish I had more to say.

What can I say, I'm a boring person. At least I can watch A&M on TV tonight.