Monday, September 20, 2004

Dish Network

Ok, I'll admit. I am/was a huge fan of Dish Network. That is, until this weekend, mainly last night. Actually, I'll go back to last weekend, because thats the first time I started to not like them.

So last weekend the Aggies were on Fox Sports Net for the Wyoming game. Kristen and I both realized that if we went to somewhere like Fox and Hound we would end up spending like $20-30 on beer and food, so for $5 more a month to get FSN on Dish, it made sense to do that.

So I called up and talked to this very rude woman on the other end of the phone. She apparently can't understand a phone number I read very slowly 4 times (yes, I was speaking clearly, shut up) and then was very aggravated when I had to ask her numerous times to repeat herself since she had such a thick accent and would not talk slowly. Plus she couldn't annunciate any numbers at all. For a minute I thought my next bill was going to be $543, instead of the $67 or so it will be.

Naturally that didn't make me happy. Well then comes yesterday afternoon. Most of you know that I have a Dish DVR that has two tuners and feeds our bedroom. Well, we have had nothing but problems since we have received this setup. That damn DVR has gone out (now) 3 times. The first time it was 2 days after they installed it, the next time was about a month ago when the hard drive completely crashed and made a horrible screaching noise and I was charged $20 to have them ship a refurbished replacement.

Last night I am sitting there about to change channels (absolutely nothing is recording on the DVR) and wham the thing does a hard reboot. Now if you have no experience you would think this is a weird thing. However I am used to it doing this, especially over the last 2 weeks or so. However this time, it will not complete its reboot cycle and just decides "Hey, you know what, I tried, lets try rebooting again" So I have a nonbreaking loop that I can't seem to find a way to make it stop rebooting.

I am letting reboot its self to oblivion this afternoon and if its still doing it when I get home I get to call Dish Network again. Oh boy. I am not excited about this. I seriously think they released this dual DVR too quickly and should never have given their customers this option if it was not tested. I swear if I weren't so smart (stop laughing) I would think that it was running Windows ME, it is that bad.

So, thats my rant for this weekend. I can't believe what I'm about to say, but I'm about to consider actually switching back to Cable. How sad is that? I absolutely hate Cox Cable, but at least their crap doesn't go out like this all the time. :-/


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