Thursday, August 17, 2006

Checks now takes Checks

Yay! So, probably my biggest project at my job finally went into production on Wednesday. I got to work at 5:45am and at 8:10am we completely launched it on all three of our servers. The preliminary results are really good.

I was hired to make the company an extra $1Million this year on the website channel; and with this one project it looks like that goal will be reached. I'm pretty stoked about it. (Obviously I am, since I took the time to write my thoughts down on here, although I never update this blog).

So, it looks like I get to keep my job there for a little bit longer. :)

I'll try and get some pictures up of our house and such sometime in the future...we are just about totally moved in now, so I don't mind taking pictures for once.


At 12:26 PM, Blogger Shana said...

An extra mil, you say? Cool beans, and totally no surprise from you. Also no surprise that you're already done with an entire quarter to go. Bet you still flag/categorize or delete all your email, too. Rat bastard.

Miss ya, dude. Hope all is well and that Kristen is faring just as nicely in her realm. :)

(FYI, you know I love ya if I'll start my own blog to get a comment to you, right?! Ah, something else to be hideously behind on - ha ha!)


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