Friday, September 03, 2004

So...What to do...what to do...

Last night was kind of interesting....

Well, the football game OBVIOUSLY wasn't interesting. I have concluded that we are going to suck once again. I've said this from day one of hiring Fran. We're not going to be good for quite some time. I have all the faith in the world in our team, but I'm not dillusional like most of our fans. It just won't happen. At least not this year. Now, I'll be the first to happily admit that I'm wrong if it does.

So I got a weird phone call last night. One of my good friends from High School that I have kind of lost touch with called me last night. His mother was divoriced and due to the divorice and her parents passing away became pretty much independantly wealthy. Anyways, I digress. So he calls and we are talking and I can tell that he is a little distraught. He told me that his mother passed away a couple of days ago, and of course I feel horrible for him. His mother could be a pain, but she was always nice to me, probably because I kept her son out of trouble. But she smoked a lot and was over weight so it was just a matter of time. Anyways, unfortunately I didn't hear about this earlier becuase the services already happened. However, the real reason for the phone call last night was for my friend to tell me that she had put me in her will. This came as a surprise to me. Why would she put me, an old friend of her son's in her will. I haven't seen them since my sophomore year of college. Why now? Why keep it? Apparently she drafted up the will while we were both still in High School and never revised it. Anyways, my friend informed me that she put me in there to receieve 25% of the money left in a savings account. I told my friend that I didn't really want it because it just doesn't seem right. However he told me that he insisted that I take it, after some going back and forths he finally made me take it. At this point, I'm not even sure what 25% is. He then said that 25% is $123,500. I seriously think my jaw hit the floor. I again told him that I just couldn't take it, but he said that he already had a cashier's check in my name waiting for me, and if I didn't take it, the money would just go to waste.

So, now what do I do? I told Kristen about it and she was a bit taken back as well. We could have some real good uses for that money, don't get me wrong, but I still feel weird in accepting it. I feel like it was a mistake for me to still be in her will. Maybe if she had seen this coming she would have adjusted the will and given it all to her son? I don't know. There are so many questions flying around in my head. I just need to do what I think is "right" and not think of myself.

I'm obviously in a funk today. I guess we'll see. My friend told me not to rush and to just let him know when I can stop by and meet with him. And yes, I just made all of that up. I don't have anything interesting to say, so I killed some imaginary person and took their money. I'm ruthless.


At 11:57 PM, Blogger Russell said...

I don't believe I have ever read a more demented post in my life. It's good to know that some things never change.


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