Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I hate Love Bugs
I wish I had an original post today, but dear lord, these demonic spawns of satan will just not die! First it was "they'll be gone in a week", a week passed, then it was "Oh, we meant they will be gone in 2-3 weeks" For the love of all that is good in this world, it has been at least a month now. WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?!?! I feel like they are like that girl terrorist in Austin Powers (the second one) where she won't die. Gets shot, blown up with a bazooka, falls out a window..... These things are everywhere.

As one of Alejandra's friends put it so well...its like the end of the world in College Station. The plague of locusts are here...but in our case they are "Love Bugs"

For some reason these stupid things just love my house. I'm not sure what their attraction is, but they are everywhere. Our front porch is covered in Love Bug carnage. Logan can certainly vouch for this as his car was swarmed in a few minutes in my drive way. Some how these disgusting things get in our house. Yeah yeah yeah, I know "Eric, you have a dog door, I wonder how they get in.....You must be stupid" Obviously they get in there, but how do they get in our closet with no windows? How do they get in our bathroom? I'm not saying like one or two are there, its a whole lineage of lovebugs.

It was really fun on Saturday when I had to cut the grass since it was so high. Luckily I didn't swallow one and I had headphones on so none of them got in my ear, but they sure like to follow you as you're cutting the grass. I felt like Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoon, but instead of a dust cloud following me, I had a swarm of horny bugs following me. Damn evil things.

Ok, I think I'm done ranting on these horrible annyoing creatures. In other Bryan/College Station news (I think we are now officially a red neck town due to this story)
Naked Bryan woman charged in assault
Blinn student charged with indecent exposure

And finally....I admit, I'm a horrible person for my blog entry about my imaginary friend's mom that I killed and took their money. Some of you need to actually read the ENTIRE thing before emailing me. It helps really. I couldn't make it too obvious that I was making it up. You can blame Alejandra for that.

Well, time to do some work.

Peace Up, A-Town Down.


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