Saturday, September 10, 2005


I figured I might as well let my voice be heard on this subject. This disaster is truly horrible. Thankfully it was a natural disaster that people had at least some advance notice of. So, people ask...Did the Federal Government totally screw up? My response is, "No, the city, state, and federal government screwed up." It's not ONLY a Federal Government thing. People who try to point the finger ONLY at FEMA, President Bush, Homeland Security, etc... are (in my opinion) retarded monkeys. Now, does FEMA, President Bush, and Homeland security have SOME blame in this entire thing? Most certainly. But not all.

The state and local authorities need to take some responsibility in this entire thing. The Federal Government can't just "take over" the entire state of Louisiana. That is the reason why we have a state and local government. They need to handle their own problems, and when it gets out of control...ask the Federal Government for help.

Governor Blanco is an idiot. Plain and simple. Mayor Nagin was an idiot, but at least he is redeeming himself. Louisiana and New Orleans knew this was coming. They did not have to wait until the absolute last minute to basically do anything. Most people who were able to, left New Orleans as soon as they heard a Cat. 5 was heading in. They are now known as the smart ones. Now, I understand that many people didn't have the ability or transportation to get to the Superdome (once that was hastily established...and poorly established at that). The City has (in very clear language) exactly what they must do in a situation like this. They did none of it. You can read it at: City of New Orleans :: HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS. Reference this picture for help in locating how far away buses are from the Superdome.

Gov. Blanco is an incompetent idiot. When 9/11 happened, did the Mayor or the Governor forget that they are in charge of their city/state? Did they forget who to call? Gov. Blanco ignored Pres. Bush's requests for a mandatory evacuation prior to the hurricane. So, after she ignores this, then the hurricane strikes...then she wonders "Hey, where is everyone? We need some help! I've been telling you we need help!" What? It takes time to mobilize the armed forces. The Gov. still hasn't (to my knowledge) turned over control of the LA National Guard to the Feds.

Another thing most people don't know...The Red Cross is NOT in New Orleans. Let me give you a minute so that can sink in. The Red Cross is not in New Orleans.

From the damnation files:

Red Cross FAQ
access to New Orleans is controlled by the National Guard and local authorities and while we are in constant contact with them, we simply cannot enter New Orleans against their orders

Now...Is Michael Brown an idiot? Yeah, I think he is certainly not qualified to do the job. But is he responsible for everything? No.

What FEMA Does/Does Not Do
Some things FEMA DOES NOT do:

Physically rescue people or serve as "first-responders" in a disaster — that is the responsibility of local and state police, fire and emergency personnel.

Building dams or levees or activating sand-bagging activities — generally the responsibility of local/state officials and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Taking "charge" of recovery effort — FEMA works jointly with state and local officials.

Running temporary shelters or disaster feeding stations — generally the responsibility of such organizations at the American Red Cross or the Salvation Army.

[Ed--Red Cross turned away here by Blanco]

Making weather predictions, fly into hurricanes or predict when rivers will surpass flood stage — generally the responsibility of the National Weather Service.

Ordering evacuations of communities due to natural disaster — generally the responsibility of state and local officials.

Setting building standards or setting zoning regulations — generally the responsibility of local and state official, with suggestions from FEMA.

Calling out the National Guard; generally a state responsibility.

There are many things that we have to look at. So, my position stands. People who think the FEDERAL government is completely to blame for this catastrophe are retarded monkeys. Likewise, people who think that the blame is solely with the State and Local government are ignoring other facts. This illustrates the largest breakdown in communications and preparedness that I have ever witnessed. Many things need to change in all arenas of the various governments. I'm just interested to see what the 9/11 type investigation by the Senate will turn up. I hope that it will be a non-partisan report that illustrates everything that happened, and not what people choose to believe happened.

And to close...George Bush does not hate Black people. Kanye West. You, my friend, are an idiot. You should never stray from the teleprompter or songs. Just shut up, oh and you too Rev. Jackson. This is not the time to play the race card.


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