Monday, August 09, 2004

Tax Free Weekend....Bad

So, this weekend wasn't too terribly exciting. Kristen and I went shopping for her Birthday all day long. It took every ounce of my patience to not complain every 3 seconds.

Tax Free Weekend + Eric + Post Oak Mall + Wal-Mart <> Happy Eric

Or as the stupid presentation said that I sat through recently...
Comfort Zone -> Traffic Light
(I have no idea what that means, by the way).

I'm getting ready to have my laptop reinstalled, isn't that fun? I keep getting a frustrating error message on my build of, no its not bad coding, so be quiet. It happens if I try and access the page while listening to MP3s. Go figure. It's some sort of file permission problem, even though I have granted "Everyone" full access to my web directory. Frustrating? Yes. Maybe this will help?

Other than that, not much to report on. I'm about to finish Executive Orders by Tom Clancy. I read about 400 pages this weekend and I only have 150 left. Of course it's getting to the really good part now, so it will be hard to put down.

Until next time.


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