Thursday, August 12, 2004


I swear, that is all I heard last night. Gabby, my parent's dog that we've watched for the last 3 years or so, is not a fan of being locked up in her kennel at night. We even got her a new kennel, but she's apparently too good for this "kennel" thing.

She has reverted back to puppy-hood and hasn't been going outside to use the restroom, so the only solution to stop her is to lock her up in a kennel at night. Needless to say, we got little sleep last night.

I visited my cousin yesterday in Palestine, TX. It was good seeing him again, but man it was a long trip for the 2 hours I stayed up there. I had to get back by 2pm for work.

Other than that, not too much is happening here. Our friend, Lance and his girlfriend and her friend are stopping by Friday night/Saturday, so we'll have our hands full for sure.


At 12:12 AM, Blogger Russell said...

Glad to hear everything is right with the world in College Station. So when is MAN going live. Yeah the one person who knows better is asking. I'm one of them now, HA. Keeping it real.


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