Thursday, August 19, 2004

I told you...

See, I told you that I wouldn't post on this thing often enough. I already got tongue lashed for not keeping it up to date. Jeez people, my life is not THAT interesting.

We took Gabby to the vet the other day. The vet gave us some drugs for her, so she will be sedated at night. Ok, well not sedated. Totally passed out. She won't move at all. She'll kind of look at you and then flop her head back down kind of giving you that "Why did you do this?!?!?!?!" look to me, but then she realizes when she wakes up from her drug induced coma that, "Hey! I can bark again!!!!! WHOOOPIEEE!!!!" Yes, it is a very viscous cycle. The vet did tell me that he suggests she live in a single animal household (i.e. my parents when they move back to SA). She is just a jealous dog.

Wow, that has nothing to do with .NET or anything. What else.... Oh yes. I created the Chronology on It is the information that is making its way to the new printed Directory of Former Students. It was kind of tricky getting all 500-ish records into the database efficiently (without having to copy/paste every single one into SQL). The format I got was in a PDF, so I had to copy/paste it into a Text document, edit the text document to one line per entry, add a unique character () to break up the columns, and viola. It will import to SQL. I think that took about 3 hours to accomplish, after a couple stupid mistakes I pulled. So, its working now. It's at (you have to be logged into to view it....we're so tricky).

Some of our friends are coming to visit this weekend. We met Chris and Kodi during my senior year and they both live in D/FW and are stopping by on their way to Houston on Friday night. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun. Then the weekend will get interesting. I bet you didn't realize that College Station (or Brazos County or even "The Brazos Valley") will obtain a new Zoo this weekend. It's true. You won't be able to find a link to it anywhere or announced in any paper, but it is located in South College Station. Actually, you know what. It's even in my subdivision. Oh wait, yes, that would be my house. "What? How could that be???" you ask? Well, Kristen's parents are going to bring their two dogs to stay with us for the week while they are on vacation. So, if anyone is keeping count... We will have :cough: 5.. yes F-I-V-E dogs, 2 cats, and fish. The 5 dogs....(1 yr old) Australian shepherd (Hunter), (7 mo old) Lab (Chloe), (14 yr old) Yorkie (Gabby), (3-4 mo old) Lab (Sam), (3-4 yr old) Jack Russell Terrier (Pepper). I think I might just go insane.

So, if you need to contact me this week, I'll be at Fun times.

Carry on my sane, non zoo inhabiting friends... carry on.


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