Thursday, August 05, 2004

Let's Try This Again

Note to self...Don't try to post on this at around 4:45, it just won't work....

So, what was I saying? Oh yes. I created a little monitoring page for yesterday. I'm not sure how useful it is but I was getting tired of running stored proecedures and looking at views to get the pertinent information from the site, so I just combined all of those onto one single page. Now granted, it does take about 5 seconds for it to load, but it to it's defense it does run 17 select statements that are pretty intensive.

I also made some recent additions to the Online Directory. I'm not sure exactly why we didn't add this sooner, but you can now search by student organizations as well. We have been asking constituents to say what student activities they were a part of while at A&M, and just have never incorporated it into the Directory. Granted I did it because Porter got an email and told me to, but it only took me -maybe- 20-30 minutes to get it fully implemented. Oh well. I'm somewhat excited about it, since it does add another functionality to the directory that I probably don't fully recognize quite yet.

What prompted the addition? Well, here's a snippet of the email:

Can you annotate the listings in the Directory of Former Students as to which one of us were in the Corps of Cadets? Can you do the same on the on-line directory so if we are looking for our classmates that we were in the Corps with, we can type in our class (xxxx) and check a button labelled "Cadet" or "Corps" and get a listing of our buds with email addresses and phone nos? Can you do it by outfit? 2. If this can not be done, what is the advantage of being a member of the AFS instead of just being a member of the Corps of Cadets Association if we can not get the AFS to do something that will put those of us like-minded former students in touch with each other? I could care less who lived in dorm 20, but if I want to find MY buds, I might want to query by Corps so I can find my buds that lived in Dorms 1-12. Maybe you should have a query by dorm or outfit or whatever other categories have been established since I left. The AFS does not seem very Corps friendly to me. Fun Ag 'xx

So, I'll let you make your own judgements about that email. Well, I better go and start working. Fun times will be had by all.

You stay classy Cyberland.


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