Monday, August 23, 2004

AHHH!!! The insanity!!

There are no words to describe having 5 dogs in your house at the same time. Especially when two are trying to establish dominance over the other three. Wow. Saturday night....Wow. I don't even know if I can explain this. You know what, I'm not even going to try. I'm sure your imaginations are about right...well, amplify it by about 300000 and then you'll be about close.
Needless to say, we convinced Brent (Kristen's brother) to take in Pepper (the smallest of the dogs, but the most aggressive) to keep in his apartment in Austin. Without him, our lives have been a little more orderly.

I realize that Jack Russell Terriers are just a little aggressive and attempt to establish dominance over dogs that are 5 times their size. Stupid. Just stupid dog.

Oh, and our nice quiet neighborhood..... If you've been to our house I'm sure you remember it as A) Being under construction everywhere or B) Having no one live around us. Well they finally finished all of Karten Ln (both sides of the street now have houses that are complete and sodded). And with that comes.....(I bet you think I'm going to say new "glorious" neighbors or families or something).....COLLEGE STUDENTS! AHHH THE HORROR!!!! (no offense to my small audience). So, I worked from home on Friday and didn't go outside the entire day until 7:30pm. And I thought to myself. Wow, when did Lawrence Marshall's Truck City move into my front yard, drive way, street and neighborhood. I have never, in all my life, seen so many vehicles appear in one location in such a short time. I swear, I must have missed the memo from our neighborhood that College Students were going to move in on Friday. Some brain donor even thought that his jacked up F-350 with a cattle guard blocking our entire driveway wasn't a problem. HELLO!?!?! Luckily the rain on Friday night stopped their parties that were starting. So, after my worries of having huge families move in around us, instead I'm surrounded by the exact thing I didn't think of (since I didn't think it would happen)....College Students. Seriously. Every house around us. The two to the right of our house (looking at it), and EVERY SINGLE one to the LEFT (if you've never been to my house, that would be 8 houses). All of them have at LEAST 3 trucks in their driveway. No, not their garage. Duh, that's where they drink beer, their driveway or street. So I have to play dodge the trucks (no pun intended) when I leave for work in the morning on our street. God help any animal or person who decides to walk inbetween any of those vehicles. I'm not stopping. Natural selection in full force.

So, as you can tell I just had a ball for a weekend. I had the zoo move in (quite literally, I think I might start charging admission) and then around 50 or 60 college students. (don't forget the duplexes behind our house!).

Who knows, we might be moving sooner than I had though. :-/



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