Wednesday, August 04, 2004

My Aggie Network - Beta 2

- I think I have this beast 95% ready to go. I have included a few screen shots of some of the screens that were edited along the way. Granted, this will not be the final look of the site, but it should be somewhat close. Who really knows? Not me, but the marketing firm we've hired knows. We should be having a meeting with them sometime in the near future.


My News-

My Links-

I still have some tweaks to do on the homepage and on the setup pages, but they shouldn't be too terribly difficult to do, and then we should be able to open this up for Beta testing. Oh boy. I'm excited about that, but at the same time, a little frightened. Go figure.

On a sadder note, today is Kristi Kaiser's last day at The Association. I know we will miss her, but I'm sure she will be a lot happier with her new job at SMU in Dallas. That's all for me for now.


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