Monday, October 04, 2004

Stupid People and Dish Network Part Deux

It seems that this is becoming a recurring theme on this. So, I guess I'll start with stupid people. This will take us to Kyle Field during A&M's romp of Kansas State. Well not really a romp, but it was a good game.

Man jailed in theft of motorized chair

Now, I don't think that the headline does this story justice. It should read Students Jailed in theft of disabled woman's wheelchair. Now, I love having things to talk about and make fun of stupid people, but these people take the cake. They stole the chair because their friend was too drunk? What?!?! When is it ever a good idea to steal the elderly's wheelchair because of youthful idiocy? Yeah, that should be never. I'm glad these kids got a good, fun trip to jail.

Dish Network...again

Ok, most of you probably stopped reading now, but I'll go on anyways. So, remember my recent post about Dish Network needing some help? So, this receiver lasted exactly 12 days. Now the 2nd tuners' Coax output which delivers picture to our 2nd TV, but absolutely no sound. Just gibberish. So, after a brief talk with Dish, we have our 5th receiver coming over. The guy tried to charge me the $15 for shipping, however after a little discussion I convinced him that I shouldn't have to pay for it since its been literally 12 days.

So now I get to lose my TV shows that I recorded again. That's so fun. Oh well.

-Eric "Wheelchair bandit" Webb


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