Thursday, February 17, 2005

RPM = Manly

Ok, so RPM is much more "manly" than the Cycling or "Spining" (if you will) class I go to at the gym. Granted there was a female robot teaching the class (at least I think she has to be a robot since she taught the class at 7:30am, 6:00pm, and then Body Pump (the weight class) at 7:30pm).

This one was full of guys, well more of old men in the middle of a mid life crisis oogling the instructor the entire time. It was really pathetic flirting, and she kept reminding them of her Marine husband and her children. Sad really.

Anyhow, that class is just about the hardest thing I have done at the gym so far. There are no "breaks" and the instructor will call you out if you are slacking. Great. That always makes for a productive and nice environment.

This concludes Eric's semi-monthly update on Gold's Gym and the New Year's resolution kick.


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