Monday, January 24, 2005

Curse you Uncle Sam!!!

I hate being a grown up. All year long I had this bad feeling that I was going to have to pay on my "Tax Return" this year. Guess what? I DO!

I'm so excited. This really throws a wrench in our plans of paying things off and taking vacation this year. I'm trying to find a way to minimize our payment, but so far the lowest I've gotten it was $633. What really pisses me off is how Turbo Tax works...I entered in my W-2 information and it was like "WHOOP! You're getting back $1,400!" Then I entered one of Kristen's and it was like "Hey, at least you're not paying, you'll get back $26" Then I entered in Kristen's last W-2 and it basically started to laugh and said "HAHAHAHAHA, you owe Uncle Sam $1,200" The thing that really irks me about it is how it "calculates" your refund. It does this random number thing to show that the refund is being "calculated" as the numbers in the corner change and then settles on a nice, big, fat, red number meaning you suck.

Unfortunately we don't have enough to itemize quite yet. We only lived in our house for 9 months and only paid taxes on the land which is about 15% of what the taxes should be for the year. Once we get that, and use the sales tax deduction we should be in the clear, but as of now I get to remember how it was when I was single and take out an extra $80 or so from my paycheck. Yay. I can't wait.

Being a grown up sucks. You have debt and a sh(*load of taxes. Damn you Uncle Sam...Damn you.

While I'm at it, damn you social security. I'm never going to see that money again. I really hate the people that are making millions that STILL claim SSN. Leave some for the rest of us you jacka$$.

Time to start marking things off my list of things to learn since now I can't afford to fix anything.... Sad year indeed.


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