Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Anonymity + The Internet = TexAgs Idiots

Guess what? Its time for me to complain again. Now isn't that just off the norm?

Remember me griping about cops on 290?

Ok I realize the people on TexAgs are idiots, I think we all know that, but this is really pushing the envelope of finding who is the missing link. Apparently these people think it's good that the cop "got what was coming to him" trying to enforce the law. I don't care if he WAS sitting on the side of the road on a blind corner. The absolute bottom line is A) Don't speed, B) Don't drink and drive, and C) STAY ON THE ROAD AND IN YOUR LANE. If you leave your lane of travel, it is your fault, unless you hit something in the road. This reminds me of the case that I was a jury member of. The lady was suing the construction company for not constructing the side of the road correctly, causing her to crash off Hwy 6 (or so she says). Don't mind you that she was speeding through a construction zone and nothing caused her to leave the roadway besides her not paying attention to the road and her vehicle. I think we "deliberated" for 10 minutes and unanimously returned a "we're not going to give you a dime, lady" verdict. This is the same thing.

What should cops do? Put out flares in the roadway so people know "Oh crap there's a cop up here, I better not act drunk or speed, I don't want to get a ticket..." Heaven forbid they make it past the cop and kill someone down the road. How would the cop feel if he had the opportunity to stop that person by pulling them over and arresting them, rather than let some innocent bystandard get killed by an idiot drunk or reckless driver?

Its also known that the cops routinely sit out there on that stretch of road. I even know this, and I've only gone that way maybe 15 times over the last 6 years. I think there comes a point where cops DO need to hide to be able to catch people breaking the laws. Now I don't think that Cops should be in people's garages waiting for someone to speed by, but they do need to enforce the law and keep the public safe.

This reminds me of the people in College Station complaining about CSPD giving out a lot of MIPs and DWIs. DON'T BREAK THE LAW AND NOTHING WILL HAPPEN Jeez people. If you want to take the risk of drinking underage or driving home drunk, then I'm glad the cops are there to keep the rest of us safe from the suicidal kids. I mean seriously, damn the man for making the legal drinking age 21 in Texas. Damn him! Wait a few years and then you can buy all the alcohol you want. I am willing to be that you don't buy that much.

I hope the people on that thread don't ever have offspring. We don't need more idiots around College Station.


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